The Implementation Team on Developmental Education Redesign will address Recommendation 2 from the report of the 21st Century Commission on the Future of Community Colleges, focusing on one associated implementation strategy:
- Dramatically improve college readiness: by 2020, reduce by half the numbers of students entering college unprepared for rigorous college-level work, and double the number of students who complete developmental education programs and progress to successful completion of related freshman-level courses.
- Redesign developmental education fundamentally, creating new evidence-based pathways that accelerate students’ progress toward successful college-level work. Incorporate design principles emerging from community college research and practice: acceleration, contextualization, collaborative learning, and integrated student and academic support.
Primary tasks are:
- Recommend to the community college field a set of design principles, based on emerging evidence of effectiveness, for dramatically improving student outcomes in developmental education.
- Provide a collection of examples of colleges, systems, or states that are fundamentally redesigning developmental education, with promising evidence of effectiveness.
- Contribute these and other pertinent resources to the online AACC 21st Century Center.