
Working With K-12 Schools to Create Student Pathways

The key to student success lies in our ability to create pathways to degree completion for every student. But these pathways don’t begin on college campuses. In almost every case, they begin before that — in our nation’s K-12 schools. That’s why, at Seminole State College of Florida, we work closely with Seminole County Public […]

Finding New Revenue Streams to Fund College Success

If we hope to meet President Obama’s challenge to educate and train an additional 5 million community college graduates by 2020, while maintaining quality programs with top faculty and staff, we must recognize the need for community colleges to receive adequate funding and to implement a workable business model. Four years ago, I wrote a […]

Improving Student Outcomes Through Partnership

We face severe challenges in college readiness and completion in the United States. The high school graduation rate is just north of 70 percent. For African American, Hispanic and low-income students, the rate hovers at slightly more than 50 percent. Of those who do graduate, only half are prepared to succeed in college. For those who […]

Economic Growth, Economic Prosperity, and the new WIOA

In the wake of President Obama signing the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act into law July 22 and as Vice President Biden releasing his action plan for a more effective, job-driven training system, it’s worth taking stock of how the country and its workforce are faring in the recovery. There is much to celebrate. Unemployment […]

Student Debt: Let’s Talk Solutions

Interest rates for student loans went up at the beginning of this month and every major newspaper from the New York Times to the Wall Street Journal is talking about the critical issue of student debt. But while all the headlines are focused on the problem of college affordability, we want to talk about the […]

A Crisis of College Readiness

It’s no secret that our institutions face a national crisis of college readiness. Each semester, large numbers of students arrive on our campuses unprepared for the rigors of college-level work. In addition to the financial and emotional burdens that accompany the reality of testing into developmental courses is an uphill struggle to degree completion that […]

Redefining Our Role in Higher Education

In an era of diminishing resources, higher education institutions are increasingly being asked to do more with less. A recent study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that “forty-eight states … are spending less per student than they did before the recession.” Another study from the Georgetown University Center on Education and […]

Shock the System: True Reform Requires Diversification

Empowering Community Colleges to Build the Nation’s Future: An Implementation Guide provides targeted outcomes outlining the “Next Big Things” in the American Association of Community Colleges’ (AACC) 21st-Century Initiative. The guide implores the nation’s community college leaders to stop looking backward and instead move courageously forward. Many of our colleges have already started on this […]

Shock the System: True Reform Requires Diversification

Empowering Community Colleges to Build the Nation’s Future: An Implementation Guide provides targeted outcomes outlining the “Next Big Things” in the American Association of Community Colleges’ (AACC) 21st-Century Initiative. The guide implores the nation’s community college leaders to stop looking backward and instead move courageously forward. Many of our colleges have already started on this […]

College Readiness is an All-Hands Project

Addressing college readiness presents a challenging yet exciting opportunity for the nation’s community colleges. The task of getting students ready for college had been placed largely at the feet of our secondary school systems — and, to a lesser extent, adult-education centers. But that’s no longer the case. We must consider college readiness our business, […]