Completion Finding a community through esports By Eric Devlin April 16, 2020 A student connects to her college and peers with esports. Finding hope in college By Cesar Canizales March 18, 2020 A United Way program supports community college students and their educational goals. First class in Second Chance Pell Program By Sam Bonacci July 25, 2018 The Second Chance Pell Program helps inmates further their education while reducing recidivism. First Metallica Scholars grads By David Murray August 14, 2019 With grant funding, a Michigan college launched an intensive welding program to get more people trained faster for in-demand job. First P-TECH Graduates Land Jobs at IBM By Sonya Stinson July 13, 2015 An administrator shares how to make the program successful and scalable. FOCUS for first-generation students By Marcie Molloy April 10, 2018 Helping first-generation male students is the focus of a program at a Maryland college. Page 32 of 97« First«...1020...3031323334...405060...»Last »