Mission & Values Voices carry March 27, 2018 A service learning project gave students at a Virginia community college an academic and “spirit-enriching experience.” Weaving equity, diversity into the mission By Matthew Dembicki October 31, 2018 College presidents discuss equity and inclusion. Welding students fulfill crucial need in community By Amy Matthew September 5, 2023 Minimum Wage and Community Colleges By AACC Staff June 19, 2015 Raising the minimum wage is the American thing to do. It directly affects students and allows them to pay their way through college. When to Close Struggling Programs By Heather Boerner September 5, 2014 Forced to do more with less, college leaders share ideas about how to shutter underperforming initiatives. Where credit is due By Drew Lurker July 1, 2020 At community colleges, it’s critical that every course contributes to a student’s progression along their career path. Page 65 of 67« First«...102030...6364656667»